1. Creation Liber Naturae: creation and revelation
  2. Theories regarding evolution and hominids
  3. Did God intervene in the creation of the first man? And in the creation of every man?
  4. The origin of human life and embryonic development.
  5. Cloning and adult stem cells.
  6. Can I expect to see a miracle in my lifetime? (Theology of miracles)
  7. In a Universe in evolution, can we say that man has been created in the image and likeness of God?  
  8. The Church and Darwinism
  9. What does “He rose again from the dead” mean?
  10. Anthropology and Neuroscience
  11. The end of our Universe according to Science
  12. The end of our Universe according to Theology. 

2 formas de acceso al Science and Faith (SAF)

Elige el plan más apropiado para ti

SAF Without tutor

90 € *



    Course 100% online without presence

    12 Lessons (3 weeks each lesson)

    Introductory Videos to the lessons (15 minutes each)

    Modern e-learning with additional material in the "Extended Learning" section

    3 minute video summary of the lesson

    Autotest of each lesson

    Personal Tutor

    Course suitable for validation for the ongoing formation of teachers

    Award of 6 undergraduate credits (European Credit Transfer System)

    Week-long guided student online debate during each lesson

    Written Assignment each lesson (2/3 pages), assessed by the Tutor

SAF With tutor

150 € *



    Course 100% online with presence

    12 Lessons (3 weeks each lesson)

    Introductory Videos to the lessons (15 minutes each)

    Modern e-learning with additional material in the "Extended Learning" section

    3 minute video summary of the lesson

    Autotest of each lesson

    Personal Tutor

    Course suitable for validation for the ongoing formation of teachers

    Award of 6 undergraduate credits (European Credit Transfer System)

    Week-long guided student online debate during each lesson

    Written Assignment each lesson (2/3 pages), assessed by the Tutor



Diploma para profesores

From Science and Faith we know that primary and secondary school teachers have a great interest in your continuing education. For this reason  we have adapted our program so that it can also serve as credits for your continuous training, since our course is approved by all the Spanish Ministry of Education in accordance with the order ENS/248/2012 (DOGC 6205)


The theology-science dialogue near you

Science and Faith (SAF) is the first online course from the Catholic Church about the dialogue between science and Theology. We have come a long way in the last 30 years and we want to put at your disposal the main fruits of this dialogue. Science and Faith are no longer enemies, but collaborators.

Our course is aimed at at restless people like you, who want to give reason for their faith in our culture so marked by science. If you develop a formative role within the Catholic Church (teacher, catechist, priest, religious ...) this course interests you. The course will help you find good answers to the frequent questions that adults, youth and children ask us about the science-faith relationship.

Our course have the sponsorship of the Pontifical Council for Culture (Vatican).